Thursday 23 May 2013

Sample Post

To choose one photograph I like it’s not possible because I love colours but I also enjoy black and white. There are so many choices; photographers round the world have always been “making” photos. I definitely prefer black and white and I miss going to the dark room and developing my own film and pictures.
One of the photos I will always remember was taken by Luis Poirot, a well-known Chilean photographer. In this photo you can see Chilean song-writer, actor, singer and activist Víctor Jara, killed in 1973 by the military officers. That day Víctor and Luis were near Cerro Blanco, in Recoleta. They were trying to obtain a photo for Víctor’s new album cover. Here we can see part of the complete photograph. I found this darkish copy on the internet but it’s not the photo I have on my wall (or the postcard version of the photo I was given). In the portrait I have, apart from Víctor Jara holding his guitar, and the old lady behind him, there’s a boy to the left, next to Víctor, and the boy is looking at the camera. You can also see the entire guitar Víctor is holding. One more difference between this picture and mine is that Víctor is not looking at the camera.
This photo was taken in 1969. According to Luis, the photographer, this photo wasn’t authorized by the Communist party, so Víctor’s new album cover for “Pongo en tus manos abiertas” was the one – you might have seen- with two open palms.
Last but not least, I really like this photo because Víctor Jara is in it and of the various photos where Víctor appears, this one is my favourite portrait of him. I admire and respect everything he was and did.

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