Wednesday 17 July 2013

Sample Post

My favourite subject: History of Chile

I can’t say History was my favourite subject when I was in school but I can say teachers can make the difference no matter the subject they teach. History, in general, can be very interesting if you’re curious and wonder how civilizations or processes started. Therefore, I think Universal History and Ancient History are quite fascinating especially when historical events are presented in a way I can connect with my own world. I also think the more History we learn the more we understand and analyse what happens around the world, in different cultures and also, at so geographically different towns, cities and countries.
In terms of the History of Chile, I started studying since elementary school and in secondary school we used to read “Chile y su Historia” by Sergio Villalobos. Valid or not, in this book I’ve seen images of the old Santiago and Chile and I remember vividly. I’ve always enjoyed reading and now I’m trying to read more about the native people in Chile because there so much I didn’t learn at school.

I must say I really enjoy studying the History of Chile. As some people say, “... those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” and I think it’s essential to learn from what has happened, maybe this way human beings are going to kill each other a bit less. I’ve learnt by listening to and asking questions to my Grandmother as well as other elderly in my family and life and it is amazing how one single event can be seen and understood in very different ways. We can find examples everywhere; we can talk with people in Chile about what their opinion of the long dictatorship is, or if we talk to people who survived the Second World War in London, maybe our understanding of that event could change, maybe partially or completely.

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